About me
My name is Devyani Nighoskar, and I am a freelance journalist, editor and a communications professional based out of India.
Simply put, I like to go to places and tell stories. I report and write on art, travel, gender, labour rights, forest rights, development, social justice, and its intersections for various Indian and International Publications. You can check all my stories here.
With an M.A in Critical Media and Cultural Studies from SOAS, University of London; I am passionate about using media as a tool for development. I believe in empowering people to tell their own stories. Therefore I continue working with communities in devising research and media projects that reflect that agency through storytelling.
I have been working as the Advocacy and Storytelling Officer at Samuel Hall, where I manage communications and campaigns relating to migration and displacement.
When I am not telling stories or stressing about them, I like to bake, go on walks, listen to podcasts, plan my next holiday and then try and take it!
I also document my travels and thoughts on my Instagram blog.
Feel free to write to me about your story; send me tips and pictures of your dogs!
Thanks for stopping by!